Open to all, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church is a community of faith, centered in Christ, seeking spiritual growth and transformation.

Today the people of St. Peter’s enjoy weekly worship, social events, and actively support a variety of social services in San Pedro, including the Laundry Love, Family Promise, YWCA, Beacon House, Shawl House, and Harbor Interfaith.
St. Peter’s likewise gives generously to Episcopal Relief and Development and Heifer International (www.heifer.org), both international aid and relief organizations.
St. Peter’s is also committed to providing space for the San Pedro community. It is the home of Brighter Days Early Learning Childcare, Lyon’s Irish Dance, Girl Scouts, Al-Anon and AA groups, and other community organizations including a Creative Writing Group.

St. Peter’s is the oldest church in San Pedro. The original building, built in 1884, was on 2nd Street near the harbor. With the first church building in town, the people of St. Peter’s chose to share their church home with congregations of other denominations until they could fund and erect their own buildings. As the harbor was developed, the original building was moved to 10th and Mesa, and, in 1956, from there to Harbor View Cemetery. In the wee hours of October 25, 2011, Old St. Peter’s was moved to Green Hills Memorial Park in Rancho Palos Verdes, where it has been restored for use as a chapel.
St. Peter’s current building on 9th Street was completed in 1954. Members of this congregation founded The Beacon House and have advocated for seamen and others in need in this community for decades.